Last week, I posted some photos from
Views from the Top. Today, I would like to show some photos from inside one of the buildings. The Christman Mutual Building is really amazing. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places, so the exterior could not be changed. I was happy to see how much of the interior they preserved. The building has all of the functionality of a modern office building, but it still retains much of the character it once had.
On the upper floors, you can put the mail in here . . . .
. . . and the mail carrier can pick it up here on the first floor.
Beautiful detail on the stair railing.
The stair railing.
I do not know what is behind the door, but it is a cool door.
It is a little modern, but it fits well.
Looking down the stairs.
Looking up the stairs.
Just inside the front door. What a beautiful way to cover up functional hardware.